/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Arduino Thermostat for Millivolt Gas and Low-Voltage Electric Baseboard Heat
 *  Copyright (c) Graham McMicken <graham@mcmicken.ca>
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <glcd.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RealTimeClockDS1307.h>

#include "fonts/allFonts.h"
#include "bitmaps/allBitmaps.h"

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Constants
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define TIMER_TEMP       30000  // 30 Seconds
#define TIMER_SLOPE      300000 //  5 Minutes
#define TIMER_NOINPUT    30000  // 30 Seconds
#define TIMER_SETTINGS   10000  // 10 Seconds
#define TOTAL_SCHEDULES  7      //  7 Days of the week. Note: This is also necessary to blank the EEPROM, uncomment in setup().
#define SCHEDULE_ZONES   2      //  2 Schedules/Zones in each day.
#define MIN_TEMP         12
#define MAX_TEMP         30
#define TEMP_ADJUST      -4.64   //  The Dallas DS18B20 picks up some heat from the enclosure. Faux calibration.
#define BUFFER_UBOUND    0.35   //  Allow temperature to rise .35 degrees above the set temperature.
#define BUFFER_LBOUND    0.40   //  Allow temperature to fall .40 defress below the set temperature.

#define ROWS             0
#define COLS             1
#define WIDTH            2
#define HEIGHT           3
#define LENGTH           4
#define PADDING          5

#define GRAPH_X          6
#define GRAPH_Y          60
#define GRAPH_LENGTH     55
#define GRAPH_HEIGHT     27
#define HISTORY_LENGTH   ( ( 24 * 60 ) / (TIMER_SLOPE / 1000 / 60) ) // 24 Hours of temperature history.

#define IR_LEFT          0x2FD1AE5
#define IR_RIGHT         0x2FD38C7
#define IR_UP            0x2FDF00F
#define IR_DOWN          0x2FD9867
#define IR_EXIT          0x2FD7887
#define IR_MENU          0x2FD58A7
#define IR_MODE          0x2FDE817
#define IR_SAVE          0x2FDB847
#define IR_VIEWTMP       0x2FDB847 // Re-use of IR_SAVE
#define IR_PAUSE         0x2FD00FF // Re-use of IR_NUM0
#define IR_ELEC          0x2FD30CF
#define IR_EN_SAVE       0x2FDEA15
#define IR_GAS           0x2FDC639
#define IR_GASLCK        0x2FD2AD5
#define IR_NUM0          0x2FD00FF
#define IR_NUM1          0x2FD807F
#define IR_NUM2          0x2FD40BF
#define IR_NUM3          0x2FDC03F
#define IR_NUM4          0x2FD20DF
#define IR_NUM5          0x2FDA05F
#define IR_NUM6          0x2FD609F
#define IR_NUM7          0x2FDE01F
#define IR_NUM8          0x2FD10EF
#define IR_NUM9          0x2FD906F

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Global Variables
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//Pin Assignments

int pinLDR               = A1; // Light Dependent Resistor (Analog)
int pinIR                = 2;  // IR Receiver
int pinRelayGas          = 3;  // Gas Switch
int pinRelayElec         = 4;  // Electric Switch
int pinTemp              = 12; // Temp Sensor
int pinBacklightPWM      = 13; // LCD Backlight Output

//Display Initialization

int iCursorPos           = 0;
boolean bCursorMovement  = true;
int iDefaultX            = 0;
int iDefaultY            = 0;
char formatted[]         = "00-00-00 00:00:00x";

//Operating Variables

boolean bDebug           = false;
boolean bHeatCycle       = false;
boolean bElec            = true;
boolean bElecSave        = true;
boolean bGas             = true;
boolean bGasLock         = false;
boolean bAdjustedOff     = false;
boolean bTempReqRec      = false;
boolean bSettingChanged  = false;
boolean bPaused          = false;

int     iMode            = 0;
int     iTempRise        = 0;
float   fTempSlope       = 0.0;
float   fCurrentTemp     = 0.0;
float   fPrevTemp        = 0.0;
int     iSetTemp         = 0;
int     iCurrentOffset   = 0;
int     iOverrideOffset  = -1;
long    iGraphOffset     = 0;
int     iPwmVal          = 0;
byte    rTempHistory[HISTORY_LENGTH];
byte    rPauseTime[2];

//Timer Setup

static unsigned long lWaitSlope    = 0;
static unsigned long lWaitTemp     = 0;
static unsigned long lOffTimer     = 0;
static unsigned long lWaitSetting  = 0;

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Library Setup
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IRrecv irrecv(pinIR);
decode_results results;
OneWire ds(pinTemp);
DallasTemperature dsTemp(&ds);

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Board Setup - setup()
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void setup()
  //Un-comment this once to blank EEPROM values (default 255) for the programmable schedule.
  //for (int i = 0; i < (TOTAL_SCHEDULES*SCHEDULE_ZONES*5); i++) EEPROM.write(i, 0);
  if (bDebug) Serial.begin(9600);
  pinMode(pinRelayElec, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pinRelayElec, HIGH); //Pin LOW engages (closes) relay (Normally Open). HIGH = OFF.
  pinMode(pinRelayGas, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, HIGH);
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); //Start the IR receiver buffer
  dsTemp.begin();;     //Start the temp sensor library
  Wire.begin();        //Start the I2C RTC

 /* Fill the history array with the current temperature 
  * so that slope calculations begin immediately after startup. */
  fPrevTemp = fCurrentTemp;
  for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) rTempHistory[i] = (int)floor(fCurrentTemp + 0.5);
  uiMain(); //Here we go!


/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Main Loop
 *  Optimized to run quickly and be responsive, calling temperature polling 
 *  and display updates at intervals defined above.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loop()

  //Set the backlight brightness dependent on the LDR value
  iPwmVal = analogRead(pinLDR);
  analogWrite(pinBacklightPWM, map(constrain(iPwmVal, 150, 600), 600, 150, 100, 255));
  if (bDebug) Serial.println(iPwmVal);
  //Poll temperature and adjust backlight as defined by TIMER_TEMP (plus one second for poll time)
  if( (long)( millis() - lWaitTemp ) >= 0 ){ 
    if (bTempReqRec) {
      lWaitTemp = millis() + TIMER_TEMP;
      lWaitTemp = millis() + 1000; //Read time on DS18B20 is ~700ms
    bTempReqRec = !bTempReqRec;
  //Graph the temp every 5 minutes, determine rising or falling indicator, and calculate temp slope.
  if( (long)( millis() - lWaitSlope ) >= 0 ){ 
    lWaitSlope = millis() + TIMER_SLOPE;
  //Apply settings changes after a brief timeout to prevent relay abuse.
  if( (long)( millis() - lWaitSetting ) >= 0 && bSettingChanged == true ){ 
    bSettingChanged = false;
  if( (long)( millis() - lOffTimer ) >= 0 && bAdjustedOff == true ){ 
    bAdjustedOff = false;
    controlHeat(bHeatCycle = false);
    lWaitSlope = millis() + TIMER_SLOPE;

  //Send IR commands to the inputDirector() function.
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  IR Input Handling:
 *  inputDirector()  - Handles IR input from the main screen to call various 
 *  toggle functions and launch auxilary screens.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void inputDirector(unsigned long irKey){
  if (bDebug) Serial.println(irKey, HEX);
  switch (irKey) {
    case IR_ELEC:
      bElec = !bElec;
    case IR_EN_SAVE: if (bElec) {
      bElecSave = !bElecSave;
    } break;
    case IR_GAS: if (!bGasLock) {
      bGas = !bGas;
    } break;
    case IR_GASLCK: 
      bGasLock = !bGasLock;
    case IR_MODE:
      iOverrideOffset = -1;
      bPaused = false;
      if (iMode == 2) iSetTemp = 18;
    case IR_UP:
    case IR_DOWN: if (checkScheduleTime()) {
    } break;
    case IR_LEFT:
      iGraphOffset = iGraphOffset + 10;

    case IR_RIGHT:
      iGraphOffset = iGraphOffset - 10;
      if (iGraphOffset < 0) iGraphOffset = 0;

    case IR_VIEWTMP:
    case IR_PAUSE: if (iMode > 0) {
      if (uiModalPauseUntil()) bPaused = true; else bPaused = false;
    } break;

    case IR_MENU:
      while(1) {
        if (!uiSetCal(0)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(1)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(2)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(3)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(4)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(5)) break;
        if (!uiSetCal(6)) break;
        if (!uiSetTime()) break;
  } //end switch

  lWaitSetting = millis() + TIMER_SETTINGS;
  bSettingChanged = true;

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Heater Control
 *  determineHeatState()
 *  controlHeat()
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void determineHeatState(){
  if (!checkScheduleTime()){
    controlHeat(bHeatCycle = false);
  float fLowTempDiff  = iSetTemp - BUFFER_LBOUND - fCurrentTemp;
  float fHighTempDiff = iSetTemp + BUFFER_UBOUND - fCurrentTemp;
  if (fLowTempDiff >= 0 && bHeatCycle == false) {
    //Turn the heat on
    bHeatCycle = true;
  }else if (fHighTempDiff <= 0 && bHeatCycle == true) {
    //Turn the heat off
    bHeatCycle = false;
  }else if (fHighTempDiff > 0 && fTempSlope > 0.05 && bHeatCycle == true) {
    //Adjust the off time to prevent over-shoot

void controlHeat(boolean bOnOff){
  if (bOnOff == true){
    if ((iSetTemp - fCurrentTemp) < 3 && bElecSave == true && bGas == true) {
      digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, LOW);
      digitalWrite(pinRelayElec, HIGH);
      if (bElec) digitalWrite(pinRelayElec, LOW); else digitalWrite(pinRelayElec, HIGH);
      if (bGas) digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, LOW); else if (!bGasLock) digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, HIGH);
  }else if (bOnOff == false) {
    bAdjustedOff = false;
    digitalWrite(pinRelayElec, HIGH);
    if (!bGasLock) digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, HIGH); else digitalWrite(pinRelayGas, LOW);

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Temperature Polling and Calculations:
 *  checkScheduleTime() - Check to see if we're inside a scheduled block and set iSetTemp appropriately.
 *  pollTemp()  - To poll and store the current temperature, and to call the display function if necessary.
 *  calculateSlope() - To calculate the rate of change and call the graphing function.
 *  adjustOffTime() - A timer set to expire as we reach our set temperature, to combat overshooting.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean checkScheduleTime(){

  int iScheduleStart, iScheduleEnd, iScheduleTemp, iOffset;
  int iCurrDay = RTC.getDayOfWeek() - 1;
  int iHours = RTC.getHours();
  if (bDebug) RTC.getFormatted(formatted);
  if (bDebug) Serial.println(formatted);
  if (bDebug) if (RTC.isStopped()) Serial.println("Clock Stopped"); else Serial.println("Clock Running");    
  if (bDebug) Serial.print("Current Day: ");
  if (bDebug) Serial.print(iCurrDay);
  if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Current Hour: ");
  if (bDebug) Serial.println(iHours);
  if (bPaused == true) {
    if (iHours < rPauseTime[1] || (rPauseTime[1] < rPauseTime[0] && (iHours < rPauseTime[1] || iHours >= rPauseTime[0]))) {
      return false;
      bPaused = false;

  if (iMode == 0) {
    iSetTemp = 0;
  if (iMode == 1) {
    int iNewSetTemp = 0;
    int iPrevDay;
    if (iCurrDay == 0) iPrevDay = 6; else iPrevDay = iCurrDay - 1;
    iCurrentOffset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SCHEDULE_ZONES; i++) {
      iOffset = (iPrevDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5) + (i * 5);
      iScheduleStart = convert12to24(EEPROM.read(iOffset + 0), EEPROM.read(iOffset + 1));
      iScheduleEnd = convert12to24(EEPROM.read(iOffset + 2), EEPROM.read(iOffset + 3));
      iScheduleTemp = EEPROM.read(iOffset + 4);

      if (bDebug) Serial.print("Start: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(iScheduleStart);
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(", End: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(iScheduleEnd);
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Current: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.println(iHours);

      if (iScheduleEnd < iScheduleStart && iHours < iScheduleEnd && iScheduleTemp >= MIN_TEMP) {
        iCurrentOffset = iOffset + 4;
        iNewSetTemp = EEPROM.read(iCurrentOffset);
        break;  //There should not be more than one occurence of an end time into the next day so stop when we find one.

    for (int i = 0; i < SCHEDULE_ZONES; i++) {
      iOffset = (iCurrDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5) + (i * 5);
      iScheduleStart = convert12to24(EEPROM.read(iOffset + 0), EEPROM.read(iOffset + 1));
      iScheduleEnd = convert12to24(EEPROM.read(iOffset + 2), EEPROM.read(iOffset + 3));
      iScheduleTemp = EEPROM.read(iOffset + 4);

      if (bDebug) Serial.print("Start: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(iScheduleStart);
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(", End: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(iScheduleEnd);
      if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Current: ");
      if (bDebug) Serial.println(iHours);

      if (iScheduleEnd < iScheduleStart) iScheduleEnd = 24;
      if (iHours >= iScheduleStart && iHours < iScheduleEnd && iScheduleTemp >= MIN_TEMP) {
        iCurrentOffset = iOffset + 4;
        iNewSetTemp = EEPROM.read(iCurrentOffset);
        //Overwrite value to give lower zones priority.
    if (iCurrentOffset != iOverrideOffset) {
      iSetTemp = iNewSetTemp;
      iOverrideOffset = -1;
  if (iSetTemp > 0) return true; else return false;

void pollTemp(){

  float fOldTemp = 0.0;
  float fNewTemp = 0.0;
  fOldTemp = fCurrentTemp;
  fNewTemp = dsTemp.getTempCByIndex(0) + TEMP_ADJUST;
  fCurrentTemp = fNewTemp;
  if (floor(fNewTemp + 0.5) != floor(fOldTemp + 0.5)) uiMainDrawTemp();

void calculateSlope(){

  //Get our temp rise over 5 min
  fTempSlope = (float)(fCurrentTemp - fPrevTemp);
  fPrevTemp = fCurrentTemp;
  //Increment and add on to our graph data.
  for (int i = 0; i < HISTORY_LENGTH - 1; i++) {
     rTempHistory[i] = rTempHistory[i + 1];
  rTempHistory[HISTORY_LENGTH - 1] = (int)floor(fCurrentTemp + 0.5);
  //Determine if the temp is rising or falling
  if (fTempSlope > 0.25) iTempRise = 1; else if (fTempSlope < -0.20) iTempRise = -1; else iTempRise = 0;

  //Redraw the main screen

void adjustOffTime(float fTempDiff){

  bAdjustedOff = true;
  lOffTimer = millis() + ((fTempDiff/fTempSlope) * TIMER_SLOPE);
  lOffTimer = lOffTimer - (fTempSlope/0.5*90*1000); //Allow for room equilization, 90 seconds for .5 degree/5 min rise.
  if (bElec) lOffTimer = lOffTimer - 45000;  //Baseboard heat has an internal relay delay of 30-45 seconds.


/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Main UI: 
 *  uiMain() -->
 *    uiMainSetTemp();
 *    uiMainDrawTemp();
 *    uiMainDrawGraph();
 *    uiMainDrawTemp();
 *    uiMainDrawTrend();
 *    uiMainDrawSetTemp();
 *    uiMainDrawGraph();
 *    uiMainDrawMode();
 *    uiMainDrawGas();
 *    uiMainDrawElec();
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean uiMain(){
  GLCD.DrawLine(6, 30, 61, 30); //Seperator

void uiMainSetTemp() {


  unsigned long lTimeout = millis() + 2000;
  unsigned long irKey;
  int iNewTemp;
  while ((long)( millis() - lTimeout ) < 0){
    iNewTemp = iSetTemp;
    if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {   
      lTimeout =  millis() + 2000;
      irKey = results.value;
      switch (irKey) {
        case IR_UP: if (iNewTemp < MAX_TEMP) iNewTemp++; break;
        case IR_DOWN: if (iNewTemp > MIN_TEMP) iNewTemp--; break;
    if (iNewTemp != iSetTemp) {
      GLCD.FillRect(42, 12, 42, 42, WHITE);
      GLCD.CursorToXY(42, 12);
      iSetTemp = iNewTemp;
      if (iMode == 1) iOverrideOffset = iCurrentOffset;
  } //end while


void uiMainViewTemp() {


  GLCD.FillRect(15, 12, 94, 42, WHITE);
  GLCD.CursorToXY(15, 12);

void uiMainDrawTemp(){
  GLCD.FillRect(6, 4, 38, 24, WHITE);
  GLCD.CursorToXY(6, 4);
  GLCD.print((int)floor(fCurrentTemp + 0.5));

void uiMainDrawTrend(){
  if (iTempRise >= 1) GLCD.DrawBitmap(arrow_up, 46, 4);
  else if (iTempRise <= -1) GLCD.DrawBitmap(arrow_down, 46, 4);
  else GLCD.FillRect(46, 4, 16, 8, WHITE);

void uiMainDrawSetTemp(){

  GLCD.FillRect(46, 14, 16, 15, WHITE);
  GLCD.CursorToXY(46, 14);  
  if (iSetTemp && !bPaused) GLCD.print(iSetTemp);

void uiMainDrawGraph(){
  int iCurrPosX = 0;
  int iCurrPosY = 0;
  int iLastPosX = GRAPH_X;
  int iLastPosY = 0;
  for (int i = (HISTORY_LENGTH - GRAPH_LENGTH - iGraphOffset); i < (HISTORY_LENGTH - iGraphOffset); i++){
    iCurrPosX = GRAPH_X + (i - (HISTORY_LENGTH - GRAPH_LENGTH - iGraphOffset));
    iCurrPosY = GRAPH_Y - (int)floor(rTempHistory[i] + 0.5) + 5;
    if (iCurrPosY >= GRAPH_Y) iCurrPosY = GRAPH_Y - 1; else if (iCurrPosY < GRAPH_Y - GRAPH_HEIGHT) iCurrPosY = GRAPH_Y - GRAPH_HEIGHT;
    if (iLastPosY == 0) iLastPosY = iCurrPosY;
    GLCD.DrawLine(iLastPosX, iLastPosY, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY);
    GLCD.DrawLine(iLastPosX, iLastPosY + 1, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY + 1);
    iLastPosX = iCurrPosX;
    iLastPosY = iCurrPosY;

void uiMainDrawMode(){
  GLCD.FillRect(72, 10, 48, 14, WHITE);
  if (bPaused) {
    GLCD.CursorToXY(72, 10);
  }else if (iMode == 3 || iMode == 0) {
    iMode = 0;
    GLCD.CursorToXY(82, 10);
  }else if (iMode == 1) {
    iMode = 1;
    GLCD.CursorToXY(78, 10);
  }else if (iMode == 2) {
    GLCD.CursorToXY(72, 10);

void uiMainDrawGas(){
  if (bGasLock == true) GLCD.DrawBitmap(fire_locked,62,31); 
  else if (bGas == true) GLCD.DrawBitmap(fire,62,31); 
  else GLCD.FillRect(62, 31, 32, 32, WHITE);

void uiMainDrawElec(){
  if (bElecSave == true && bElec == true) GLCD.DrawBitmap(electricity_save,94,31); 
  else if (bElec == true) GLCD.DrawBitmap(electricity,94,31); 
  else GLCD.FillRect(94, 31, 32, 32, WHITE);

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Settings Screens:
 *  uiModalPauseUntil()
 *  uiSetTime()
 *  uiSetCal(int iDay) -> Where iDay is the day of the week, 1 = Monday and so forth.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean uiModalPauseUntil() {
  iDefaultX = DISPLAY_WIDTH/2-90/2 + 6;
  iDefaultY = DISPLAY_HEIGHT/2-ceil(90/2/2) + 4;
  GLCD.CursorToXY(iDefaultX, iDefaultY);
  GLCD.print("Pause Until");
  iDefaultY = iDefaultY + 16;

  //Input Grid
  //              rows  cols  width  height  length  padding
  int rGrid[] = {   1,    2,    16,      14,     2,       2  };
  iCursorPos = 0;
  unsigned long irKey;
  String s2Digit = "";
  int iEnd = 0;
  byte iAmPm = 0;
  if (bPaused) {
    iEnd = rPauseTime[1];
    iEnd = RTC.getHours() + 2;
    if (iEnd >= 24) iEnd = iEnd - 24;

  if (iEnd >= 12) {
    iAmPm = 12;
    if (iEnd > 12) iEnd = iEnd - 12;
    drawString("pm", SystemFont5x7, 1, rGrid, BLACK);
    iAmPm = 0;
    if (iEnd == 0) iEnd = 12;
    drawString("am", SystemFont5x7, 1, rGrid, BLACK);
  drawString(iEnd, fixednums8x16, 0, rGrid, BLACK);
  while (1){
    irKey = awaitUserInput(rGrid, "");
    if (iCursorPos == 1){
      if (irKey == 1){
        drawString("am", SystemFont5x7, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
        iAmPm = 0;
        moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, "");
      if (irKey == 2){
        drawString("pm", SystemFont5x7, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
        iAmPm = 12;
        moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, "");
      bCursorMovement = true;
    }else if (irKey >= 0 && irKey <= 9) {
      if (bCursorMovement) {
        s2Digit = String(irKey);
        bCursorMovement = false;
      }else s2Digit = String(s2Digit + irKey);
      drawString(s2Digit, fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
      iEnd = stringToInt(s2Digit);
      if (s2Digit.length() == 2) {
        bCursorMovement = true;
      	if ( (stringToInt(s2Digit) > 12 || stringToInt(s2Digit) < 1) && iCursorPos == 0 ) {
          drawString("", fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
          iEnd = 0;
      	}else moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, "");
        s2Digit = "";
    if (irKey == IR_SAVE) {
      rPauseTime[0] = RTC.getHours();
      rPauseTime[1] = convert12to24(iEnd, iAmPm);
      return true;
    if (irKey == IR_EXIT) {
      return false;


boolean uiSetTime(){
  //Input Grid
  //              rows  cols  width  height  length  padding
  int rGrid[] = {   2,    5,    16,      14,     10,        2  };
  iDefaultX = 4;
  iDefaultY = 18;
  iCursorPos = 0;

  unsigned long irKey;
  bCursorMovement = true;
  String s2Digit = "";
  String sExclude = "1368";
  int rTime[10] = {RTC.getHours(), -1, RTC.getMinutes(), -1, RTC.getSeconds(), RTC.getMonth(), -1, RTC.getDate(), -1, RTC.getYear()};
  drawTitle("Date/Time Setup");
  for (int i = 0; i < rGrid[LENGTH]; i++) if (rTime[i] == -1 && i < 5) drawString(":", fixednums8x16, i, rGrid, BLACK); else if (rTime[i] == -1 && i > 5) drawString("/", fixednums8x16, i, rGrid, BLACK);
  for (int i = 0; i < rGrid[LENGTH]; i++) if (rTime[i] > -1) drawString(rTime[i], fixednums8x16, i, rGrid, BLACK);  
  while(1) {

    //Await user interaction
    irKey = awaitUserInput(rGrid, sExclude);
    //Exit to homescreen or to next option screen.
    if(irKey == IR_EXIT){
      return false;
    }else if(irKey == IR_MENU){
      return true;
    //Digit input
    if (irKey >= 0 && irKey <= 9 && sExclude.indexOf(String(iCursorPos)) == -1) {
      if (bCursorMovement) {
        s2Digit = String(irKey);
        bCursorMovement = false;
      }else s2Digit = String(s2Digit + irKey);
      drawString(s2Digit, fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
      rTime[iCursorPos] = stringToInt(s2Digit);
      if (s2Digit.length() == 2) {
        bCursorMovement = true;
      	if (   (stringToInt(s2Digit) > 59 && (iCursorPos == 2 || iCursorPos == 4) )
      	    || (stringToInt(s2Digit) > 23 && (iCursorPos == 0) )
      	    || (stringToInt(s2Digit) > 12 && (iCursorPos == 5) )
      	    || (stringToInt(s2Digit) > 31 && (iCursorPos == 7) )   ) {
          drawString("", fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
          rTime[iCursorPos] = 0;
      	}else moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);
        s2Digit = "";
    if (irKey == IR_SAVE) {

        if (bDebug) Serial.print("Hours: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[0]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Minutes: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[2]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Seconds: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[4]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Month: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[5]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Day: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[7]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Year: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rTime[9]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", DoW: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getDayOfWeek(rTime[7], rTime[5], rTime[9]));
        RTC.setDayOfWeek(getDayOfWeek(rTime[7], rTime[5], rTime[9]));
        if (bDebug) Serial.println(".");
        return false;

boolean uiSetCal(int iDay) {
  //Input Grid
  //              rows  cols  width  height  length  padding
  int rGrid[] = {   2,    5,    16,      14,     10,       2  };
  iDefaultX = 4;
  iDefaultY = 18;
  iCursorPos = 0;
  unsigned long irKey;
  bCursorMovement = true;
  String s2Digit = "";
  String sExclude = "";
  int rSchedule[10];
  int iOffset = 0;
  for (int i = iDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5; i < (iDay + 1) * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5; i++) {
    iOffset = i - (iDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5);
    rSchedule[iOffset] = EEPROM.read(i);
    if (iOffset == 1 || iOffset == 3 || iOffset == 6 || iOffset == 8 ){
    	drawString(getAMorPM(rSchedule[iOffset]), SystemFont5x7, iOffset, rGrid, BLACK);
    	drawString(rSchedule[iOffset], fixednums8x16, iOffset, rGrid, BLACK);
  while(1) {

    //Await user interaction
    irKey = awaitUserInput(rGrid, sExclude);
    //Exit to homescreen or to next option screen.
    if(irKey == IR_EXIT){
      return false;
    }else if(irKey == IR_MENU){
      return true;
    if (iCursorPos == 1 || iCursorPos == 3 || iCursorPos == 6 || iCursorPos == 8){
      if (irKey == 1){
        drawString("am", SystemFont5x7, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
        rSchedule[iCursorPos] = 0;
        moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);
      if (irKey == 2){
        drawString("pm", SystemFont5x7, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
        rSchedule[iCursorPos] = 12;
        moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);
      bCursorMovement = true;
    }else if (irKey >= 0 && irKey <= 9) {
      if (bDebug) if (bCursorMovement) Serial.println("Cursor Movement"); else Serial.println("No Cursor Movement");
      if (bCursorMovement) {
        s2Digit = String(irKey);
        bCursorMovement = false;
      }else s2Digit = String(s2Digit + irKey);
      drawString(s2Digit, fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
      rSchedule[iCursorPos] = stringToInt(s2Digit);
      if (s2Digit.length() == 2) {
        bCursorMovement = true;
      	if (   ((stringToInt(s2Digit) > 12 || stringToInt(s2Digit) < 1) && (iCursorPos == 0 || iCursorPos == 2 || iCursorPos == 5 || iCursorPos == 7) )
      	    || (((stringToInt(s2Digit) > MAX_TEMP || stringToInt(s2Digit) < MIN_TEMP) && stringToInt(s2Digit) != 0) && (iCursorPos == 4 || iCursorPos == 9) )    ) {
          drawString("", fixednums8x16, iCursorPos, rGrid, BLACK);
          rSchedule[iCursorPos] = 0;
      	}else moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);
        s2Digit = "";
    if (irKey == IR_SAVE) {
        if (bDebug) Serial.print("Schedule for: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getDayOfWeek(iDay));
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Start 1: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[0]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getAMorPM(rSchedule[1]));
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Stop 1:: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[2]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getAMorPM(rSchedule[3]));
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Temp 1: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[4]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Start 2: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[5]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getAMorPM(rSchedule[6])); 
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Stop 2: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[7]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(getAMorPM(rSchedule[8]));
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(", Temp 2: ");
        if (bDebug) Serial.print(rSchedule[9]);
        if (bDebug) Serial.println(".");
        for (int i = iDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5; i < (iDay + 1) * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5; i++) EEPROM.write(i, rSchedule[i - (iDay * SCHEDULE_ZONES * 5)]);
        return false;

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  awaitUserInput() for Settings Screens
 *  Responsible for updating the cursor position. When a non directional key is pressed, 
 *  the function returns the action. On timeout, the fuction returns the exit key.
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned long awaitUserInput(int rGrid[], String sExclude){

  unsigned long irKey;
  unsigned long lTimeout = millis() + TIMER_NOINPUT;
  while ((long)( millis() - lTimeout ) < 0){
    if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {   
      lTimeout += TIMER_NOINPUT;
      irKey = results.value; 
      if (bDebug) Serial.println(irKey, HEX);
      switch (irKey) {
        case IR_LEFT:   moveCursor(-1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);  break;
        case IR_RIGHT:  moveCursor(1, 0, rGrid, sExclude);   break;
        case IR_UP:     moveCursor(0, -1, rGrid, sExclude);  break;
        case IR_DOWN:   moveCursor(0, 1, rGrid, sExclude);   break;
        case IR_NUM0:   return 0;
        case IR_NUM1:   return 1;
        case IR_NUM2:   return 2;
        case IR_NUM3:   return 3;
        case IR_NUM4:   return 4;
        case IR_NUM5:   return 5;
        case IR_NUM6:   return 6;
        case IR_NUM7:   return 7;
        case IR_NUM8:   return 8;
        case IR_NUM9:   return 9;
        default:        return irKey; //Any other key is returned for handling.
  return IR_EXIT; //Timeout the same as Exit Key 

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Cursor and text drawing functions for the settings screens:
 *  drawCursor() 
 *  drawString()
 *  moveCursor()
 *  drawMessage()
 *  drawModal()
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void drawCursor(int rGrid[], uint8_t bColour){

  int iFloor = floor(iCursorPos / rGrid[COLS]);
  int iCursorPosX = iCursorPos - (iFloor * rGrid[COLS]);
  int iCursorPosY = iFloor;
  int iTotalWidth = rGrid[WIDTH] + (rGrid[PADDING] * 2) + 4;
  int iTotalHeight = rGrid[HEIGHT] + (rGrid[PADDING] * 2) + 4;
  // (x, y, width, height, radius, color)
  GLCD.DrawRoundRect((iCursorPosX * iTotalWidth) + rGrid[PADDING] + iDefaultX, (iCursorPosY * iTotalHeight) + rGrid[PADDING] + iDefaultY, iTotalWidth - (rGrid[PADDING] * 2), iTotalHeight - (rGrid[PADDING] * 2) - 1, 2, bColour);

void drawString(String sString, uint8_t* iFont, int iPos, int rGrid[], uint8_t bColour){

  int iFloor = floor(iPos / rGrid[COLS]);
  int iCursorPosX = iPos - (iFloor * rGrid[COLS]);
  int iCursorPosY = iFloor;
  int iTotalWidth = rGrid[WIDTH] + (rGrid[PADDING] * 2) + 4;
  int iTotalHeight = rGrid[HEIGHT] + (rGrid[PADDING] * 2) + 4;
  GLCD.FillRect((iCursorPosX * iTotalWidth) + rGrid[PADDING] + 2 + iDefaultX, (iCursorPosY * iTotalHeight) + rGrid[PADDING] + 2 + iDefaultY, rGrid[WIDTH], rGrid[HEIGHT], WHITE);
  GLCD.CursorToXY((iCursorPosX * iTotalWidth) + rGrid[PADDING] + 2 + iDefaultX, (iCursorPosY * iTotalHeight) + rGrid[PADDING] + 2 + iDefaultY);
  drawCursor(rGrid, BLACK);

void moveCursor(int x, int y, int rGrid[], String sExclude){
  if (!bCursorMovement) return;
  //Erase where we were - Note for this to work the cursor cannot overlap any pixels already drawn on the screen.
  drawCursor(rGrid, WHITE);
  iCursorPos += x + (y * rGrid[COLS]);

  if (iCursorPos < 0) {
    if (x < 0){
      iCursorPos = rGrid[LENGTH];
      iCursorPos = (rGrid[ROWS] * rGrid[COLS]) + iCursorPos;

  if (iCursorPos >= rGrid[LENGTH]) {
    if (x > 0){
      iCursorPos = 0;
    }else if (y < 0){
      iCursorPos = iCursorPos - rGrid[COLS];
      iCursorPos = iCursorPos - (floor(iCursorPos / rGrid[COLS]) * rGrid[COLS]);

  //Skip excluded locations by calling moveCursor recursively and adding 1 each time
  if (sExclude.indexOf(String(iCursorPos)) == -1){
    //Draw where we are.
    drawCursor(rGrid, BLACK);
    moveCursor(x, y, rGrid, sExclude);

void drawTitle(String sTitle){
  GLCD.CursorToXY(6, 3);
  GLCD.DrawLine(6, 16, 121, 16);
  GLCD.DrawLine(6, 17, 121, 17);

void drawMessage(String sMessage){

  byte iWidth = sMessage.length() * 8 + 4;
  GLCD.CursorToXY(DISPLAY_WIDTH/2-iWidth/2 + 3, DISPLAY_HEIGHT/2-ceil(iWidth/2/2) + 5);

void drawModal(int iWidth){
  int i = iWidth;
  GLCD.DrawRect(DISPLAY_WIDTH/2-i/2, DISPLAY_HEIGHT/2-ceil(i/2/2), i, i/2);
  GLCD.FillRect((DISPLAY_WIDTH/2-i/2) + 1, (DISPLAY_HEIGHT/2-ceil(i/2/2)) + 1, i - 2, (i/2) - 2, WHITE);

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Utility Functions
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String getDayOfWeek(int iDay){
  switch (iDay) {
    case 0: return "Monday";
    case 1: return "Tuesday";
    case 2: return "Wednesday";
    case 3: return "Thursday";
    case 4: return "Friday";
    case 5: return "Saturday";
    case 6: return "Sunday";

int stringToInt(String input){
  char convert[input.length() + 1];
  input.toCharArray(convert, sizeof(convert));
  int output = atoi(convert);
  return output;

int convert12to24(int i12t, int iAmPm){
  if (i12t == 12) return iAmPm;
  if (iAmPm == 12) return i12t+12; else return i12t;

String getAMorPM(int iAmPm){
  if (iAmPm == 0) return "am"; else return "pm";

int getDayOfWeek(int day, int mth, int yr) {

  int val; 
  const int table[12] = {6,2,2,5,0,3,5,1,4,6,2,4}; 
  val = yr + yr / 4; //leap year adj good 2007 to 2099 
  val = val + table[mth - 1]; //table contains modulo 7 adjustments for mths 
  val = val + day;
  if ((yr % 4 == 0) && (mth < 3)) val = val - 1; // adjust jan and feb down one for leap year
  val = val % 7;
  if (val == 0) val = 7;

  // val is now the day of week 1=Mon... 7=Sun

void irDump(decode_results *results) {

  int count = results->rawlen;
  if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
    Serial.print("Unknown encoding: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == NEC) {
    Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == SONY) {
    Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC5) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
  else if (results->decode_type == RC6) {
    Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
  Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
  Serial.print(" (");
  Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
  Serial.println(" bits)");
  Serial.print("Raw (");
  Serial.print(count, DEC);
  Serial.print("): ");

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if ((i % 2) == 1) {
      Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    else {
      Serial.print(-(int)results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
    Serial.print(" ");